• Grand Hotel Karel V
  • Grand Hotel Karel V
  • Grand Hotel Karel V

grand hotel karel v durability 

meetings and events 

Grand Hotel Karel V consciously involved. Our unique location, our guests, our employees and the quality of our products are always central. We are convinced that we thus make a positive contribution to the well-being of people and the environment in which we live.


grand hotel karel v monument management

Grand Hotel Karel V is located in a national monument with an impressive history. The realization of this hotel is the result of a striking restoration of the former Grand Commandery of the Knightly Teutonic Order. Formerly known as the German House, this building complex dates from the fourteenth century and has been used as a monastery and military hospital. The buildings have been restored to their former glory. Interesting historical building details and archaeological finds have been kept visible everywhere.

Grateful hospital students from Japan donated exotic trees when they left. Our garden contains unique trees such as an old Japanese nut tree and an Oriental plane more than three centuries old. In collaboration with specialists, we guarantee optimal care and thus preservation of the monumental trees. Our respect for this historical heritage and our ambition to maintain this monument financially through hotel operation make our vision of corporate social responsibility tangible.


grand hotel karel v high quality product

Whether it is our 5 star hotel rooms with all their allure, our Bistro Karel 5, Restaurant Karel 5 or our banquet rooms, we strive for a high-quality product on all fronts. In our search for the best ingredients for these goals, one thing is certain: only the very best is good enough. And that often comes very close. We buy honest products from local and regional suppliers who have incorporated sustainability into their business philosophy. Real farm products and fresh fish, where we do not lose sight of the fishing guide and the seasons. We believe that the Horeca serves as an example to let the guest consume and enjoy more consciously and responsibly.


grand hotel karel v biologic garden maarschalkerweerd

Restaurant Karel 5 onderhoudt een verregaand samenwerkingsverband met Moestuin Maarschalkerweerd te Utrecht. Deze biologische moestuin, met zorg voor natuur, probeert oude groenterassen culinair overeind te houden en een unieke stuk cultuurlandschap, Kromme Rijn in Utrecht-Oost, te behouden. Tevens is het een uniek project die aan mensen met een grotere achterstand op de arbeidsmarkt, voorziet in het bieden van dagbesteding en arbeidsintegratie. Jongeren met een arbeidshandicap krijgen de mogelijkheid om via leerwerktrajecten in de samenleving te re-integreren. Wekelijks bestelt Chef de Cuisine, Vito Reekers, hier verse groente voor zowel Bistro Karel 5 als Restaurant Karel 5.


grand hotel karel v social awareness

Grand Hotel Karel V aims to be a reliable and loyal company locally. Liveability, cleanliness, safety and growth of the immediate living environment are therefore of paramount importance. We participate in various partnerships at local, regional and national (administrative) level. As a cultural city in the Netherlands, we make our hotel available for various cultural events such as exhibitions, neighborhood parties and Het Huis van de Poëzie.


grand hotel karel v durability

Our monumental building limits us in the pursuit of maximum energy savings, but we make optimal choices in equipment and energy management. Our crockery and glassware is cleaned with 100% ‘green’ dishwashing detergents and our cleaning service also works with ‘green’ products. We also do maximum waste separation with temporary storage without disturbing our environment.

rooms and suites
hotel and facilities
specials and offers
sparkling gastronomy
meetings and events
online reservations

grand hotel karel v contact and information


contact us – by e-mail
contact us
by phone


Grand Hotel Karel V
+31(0) 30 233 75 55

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